Charles Babbage Home Page

Charles Babbage

Birth: December 26, 1791
Death: October 18, 1871

Minor Academic Achievements:

Charles Babbage was mainly educated at home, but in 1810 he went to Cambridge University because he was interested in mathematics, and was hired by the Royal Institution to lecture on calculus. He dabbed a bit in philosophy, code-breaking, and even asking for reform in British science. For his contributions to CS, he built a type of speedometer, compiled the first reliable actuarial tables, and invented the locomotive cow catcher.

Major Academic Achievements:

Charles Babbage invented the Difference engine to help with calculations, and it had a few problems but it worked. Then, with the help of Ada Lovelace, he created the Analytic Engine, a much better version of the Difference engine. This helped majorly in the computer science program as it helped with the creation of the first ever computer.
